Avon is celebrating their 35th Anniversary and they recently gave away 35 Brassieres daily for 2 weeks! Can you believe that? And guess what, I was picked, so I got my free brassiere too!! They're so generous! They also have other promos and giveaways! Visit Avon Philippines for more information.
Here's my Joey Brassiere! I received it 4 days after. Yey!
Avon = bra to me. Haha! Sorry but most of my bras are from Avon. That's why when I got the information about their giveaway, I didn't hesitate to give it a try. My mom is an Avon lady. Whenever we have the brochure, I always go to the brassiere section. I really like their designs! For an everyday wear, it can give good support, plus it's very affordable too. As for the quality, I noticed that their brassieres had improved a lot. I have some brassieres before that are not very sturdy. (?) The colors faded easily. The garters became loose easily as well as the shape of some of my bra. But that was like 6-7 years ago. Improper handling may also be the cause. The bras my mom bought years after that are still in good condition and I'm still using most of it.
I suggest that before you buy a bra you must know your size and buy your size! There was a time when I got bigger and my bra size is not usually available. The sizes am using during that time is either a bit large or smaller than my actual size. It really sucks! It's not very comfortable. When I checked my size again after a few months, it changed again and thankfully I can get bras with that size easily. It was such a relief! I feel more comfortable wearing them and they flatter my bust too. flatter?
Anyway, I find these articles helpful, so please read if you want.
Find the Right Bra | Dress for Your Chest Size
Please comment too if the size of the font am using here is better than my previous posts.
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