Sunday, November 18, 2012

WAG : Ohno Month post #2

Yatta for second week! Yey! 

I decided to make a theme every month. As mentioned on the first ever WAG post, November is Riida's month, so all gif for the whole November will be Riida related. Not only that, every photo included must also be theme related. 

Sa~! Let's brief everyone for this week's gif. The gif is from one of their variety shows. They were talking about working out and Ohno said to listen to Rocky's theme song because he gets pumped up while listening to it. The theme song started playing and Ohno did a demo.
Himitsu no Arashi-chan (VIP Room - Erika Toda)
 Look at that face!!! Hahaha! And his shirt is so cute~ It's so him.
Note: Subtitle - MC. Exposed secret is Erika-chan's. 

If you don't know Rocky's theme song, you can play the video below. The first minute is more than enough. Ohno starts ab rocking at 0:11. 


My Girl PV Making

Love Rainbow PV Making
Thinking about the food he really wants to eat at the moment

Music Station (March 2010) - Arashi Childhood picture

Arashi Around Asia 2008 (Tokyo)
Oh-chan, playing Niji on keyboard.

SCENE Kokuritsu (2010)
Mata ne~

Please feel free to express your thoughts/suggestions about WAG, I want this corner to improve. Corner?

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