Friday, October 12, 2012

Kaibutsu-kun Shimeji

Because these little runts know how to invade my screen. I got this shimeji from a friend. Dunno where she downloaded it, but surely GIYF. Do search it if you want the same :) 

I can’t thank enough the maker. It’s so cute~ I wonder how he/she/they thought of Oh-chan’s expressions. I just can’t capture 1) the other way it multiplies—posing, the first one is through fishing; 2) when it changes appearance—in an all black attire; and 3) when it jumps to the side to climb. 


Bekiderp said...

HAHAHA. I remember having shimejis on Kaname-kun [desktop] I can't get pissed off even while it's hindering my work.

chysa said...

