Saturday, December 8, 2012

Another Day That Was

Yayus! I accomplished a lot in my to do list today~

#1: Went to Kimikain    Our organization's open Tambayan slash pakain this year. It's been 4years since the organization was revived and I am so glad that ACME is growing and making a history. 16 years is 16 years. Happy anniversary UP ACME!

They also published a newsletter! I haven't finished reading it though. :))

#2: I returned the book/reviewer I borrowed from a friend. 

#3: Updated my bank account information. Last year, I received a mail from BPI showing the details of my transactions. Since I changed my address, I need to make sure that the mail will reach me. And I received a ballpen from BPI as thanks for informing them the changes. Yaho~

#4: I bought things I think I'll need in watercolor painting. I bought watercolor paints, palette, watercolor paper, and white board. Haha! I'll use my whiteboard as drawing board as of now. Is it good or bad? I'll make sure it'll be useful. 

#5: I bought things I'll need for reconstructing my shoes. 

And after all this, I went to Music22 with my karaoke buddy to sing our lungs out! Wohoo~
(c) Marifel Vergara

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