Sunday, December 2, 2012

WAG : Aiba Month post #1

It's December so it's Aiba Month! Yey! 
Let's start this month with his flying kiss and wink. Douzo~
Himitsu no Arashi-chan VIP Room - Perfume
One of the guests said that she likes a guy who does a wink and blows a kiss. All of them tried to do it and Aiba said immediately that he can't wink. But he still tried his best.


Hatenai Sora PV Making
Sometimes I feel like he resembles Gackt in some angles. Is it just me? 

Arashi no Shukudai-kun (Guest: Nagase Tomoya)
They are doing a totem pole even though they don't know what it is. And surprisingly, they got it right. Aiba looks like a lost kid here. I like watching him in variety shows, he's just so hyper! Tension agete~

Arashi ni Shiyagare (Guest: Ikuta Toma)
I just wanted to revive Ufn~ gorilla, just because it's too epic. If you can, please watch this episode. And may I just add, Toma is so cute. Hahaha!

Hadashi no Mirai PV
The color of his hair blends with the tiles. 

SCENE - Dome (2010 concert)
This guy's energy is really something. Haha! Jump! Jump! Jump! 

1 comment:

Chai Chen said...

Cool post Chysa! Sometimes, they really are that cute. :) Gackt in that angle, yes I see! :)

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